A downloadable "Thing"

"Everyone Will Lose" is a Horror-Comedy RPG  (Concept) created by Kamryn "Jeane" Banks .

It follows the story of Natalie "Talia" Krowller, a twenty-five year old narcissist woman child with nothing better to do than make others miserable and feed her own ego. 

!~Other Creeps and Characters~!

Mr. and Mrs. Krowller

both age 30, are Talia's parents, despite their best attempts to properly parent her, they seemingly live in constant fear of her, yet no one knows full reason why.

Jason "Treivon" Kroweller

age 10, Jason is Talia's younger brother, and a constant pain in the ass for her, just by existing, due to his fragile mind and body, his parents usually send him off to live with his grandparents, in hopes that they'll keep him safe.


Cyan, no one seems to know her real name, is Talia's "Best Friend", tho in actuality she's a kiss-ass" yes man" who sucks up to Talia any chance she gets. 


Nathan is Talia's ex-boyfriend and best friend, who left her only dating for 2 weeks , and due to his shy and silent behavior, he refuses to tell anyone why.


In this game you will face HORRIBLE enemies such as Babies, Dogs, Cats, Men, Woman, The recovering crackhead who lives down the street, and Many more!

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